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Soul Coaching Program

A New You

10 Week Intensive

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"A New You" (2020)
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2021 is about to bring a new chapter. Step in as the new you. Embark on this spiritual journey. The time is now. What are you waiting for? Are you READY? 



“A New You” 🏰 📓🦋

10 Week Soul Coaching Program

Taught by Soul Coach, Therapist, and Psychologist

Christie Ramirez, MS

Sign Up Now 


Watch the full trailer 🎞 ... get inspired to take action today...


I will be launching weekly new episodes every Wednesday on the main page for program members for the next 10 weeks beginning tomorrow. This 360 transformation and reinvention of self will be completed just in time for the new year 2021, the new chapter. 


This program is dedicated to transforming you into a new reinvented self. This new you will not only take you to high and positive vibrations but it will also lead you to your ultimate happiness, inner joy, emotional fulfillment, and loving harmonious connections. Healing begins when we accept that we need guidance. The next step is taking the action towards improving oneself. So take action now towards this new you about to be healed from the inside out! This program will serve as your intuitive and emotional toolbox to navigate your life and relationships. The journey of the soul can be more exciting and joyful with the right attitude and perspective. Let me guide you every step of the way and lead you towards the best version of your higher self. All my years of experience, study, and wisdom have been put into this program. Experience the evolution of your soul….


All content and resources are available for purchase now. 🖥 You can register for this program on my website now


See you there!


Christie Ramirez, MS

Soul Coaching ©

Masters In Marriage and Family Therapy


Motivational Speaker 

Founder Of School Of Light ©



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